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I guess we're done, let's not drag this on

Consider Me Gone.
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I'm one in a million. I don't live to please you. It's my life so i have the right to do whatever i want to do.
Don't judge me cause you aren't me. :)

consider me past

standing ovation
Consider me a smile in an old photograph, someone who used to make you laugh.
Ordinary Girl
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Friday, December 17, 2010

" I want a boy best friend who will call me beautiful, and like my photos on facebook, commenting them saying things such as the fact he’s proud to have me as a bestfriend. One that I can call up, crying about other boys, and him saying he’ll beat the shit out of them for me. A boy bestfriend who will drive me around like he’s my big brother, and kiss me on my cheek/forehead when he knows I’m upset. One who becomes friends with my boyfriend and one who calls me up to see what I’m doing. I want a boy best friend who will tell me when I’m wrong, and force me into fixing things and apologizing because he knows that it will make things better for me. I just want a perfect boy best friend, who will love me and protect me from all the other boys. "

I miss you haikel azizie. You're my perfect boy best friend. You were there for me when i was crying the shit out cause of awie. Haikel where've you been? You know you haven't been talking to me since last two or one week ago? You know how much it hurts? You know that i miss you fucking much? Pls pls pls,meet me soon <3 Aku rindu kau la babi. Abih lepas tu aku nak cuddle dgn kau mcm kuching cute. ^^Text me cpt cpt k. I'll be waiting for you Haikel. And remember,i'm always here for you. No matter what. I love you so fucking fucking much words can't describe them.
Kau tahu aku syg kau kan haikel? Jgn buat aku mcm gini pls honeyyy beeee. AKU SEDIH NI KAU MCM GINI. Kau tak baik :'( Text aku cpt cpt eh pls. Kalau tak aku bunuh kau <3>
Xoxo,kawan baik kau.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Nadhira baby boo <33 this is what you're feeling right. * picture on top * well,cheer up k :) relationship always have their ups and downs. Maybe you're not meant for each other? Or maybe his mum still thinks that S is young to be in a relationship. Well,his not the only fish in the pond am i right? Better fishes are in there waiting for you to catch them. Honey bee,you're beautiful just the way you are. But if you;re really in love with Salhan then wait for him k? I hope that he can find a solution for both of you alright. Don't be emo emo. Hohoho :) your smile can light up the whole bedok reservoir tau. I'm here for you. Meet up soon k. Then we gossip gossip so your mind can be fresh like ikaaan. Lame. Love you truckloads.
Xoxo,Rysha. <33>

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Oh. Hey hi. So like,a few days ago went petal. But something somehow just had to spoil my mood. Yeah. Rara called me and told me that annaqah,rahim and rawie was talking bad about her. Her palat all. She was crying while talking. So macam kesian uh. I was walking like everywhere when suddenly rawie came. I fucking ran back to where nadia and yanty was and was like ew,anjing dah datang. Then i continued talking to rara. I walked very far laaaa i tell you. Then suddenly yanty and nadia ran to me and was like ' rahim is hereeeeeee! ' Kdahwtv. Lepas itu,JIM BRADLEY MISSO arrived. Mak oi. Panazzzzzz <3 Rawie kau go get a life pls. Kau cermin diri kau dulu k? Papan.
Then there was this oh so small cute skater. Name dia NurHakim Bin Mohamed Shah. Hehe. ^^ He very comel.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Omg. Hi people. I'm like the happiest girl on earth now. Yesterday,i made a fooled out of someone. Hahaha. His Royzaiman Abdullah,ex aku yang perangai macam dog. I'm lmao till my stomach hurts man. Nahhh,i'm not going to share it to you cause later he paiseh. ^^ At the same time, i webcamed with my girlfriend,Syazwani. She is so small. So cute. ^o^ We took picture and talk nonsence. So,today i went online at 4am. And then Abdul Rahim was online. Hahaha. He chatted with me and blahblahblah and damn we were damn hyper yesterday. Sshhh,it's between him and me only. He so comel. <333 Man,i'm getting the old Rahim back and i love it. Woohoooo. ;D he make me smile and laugh and everything la. Around 5++ he wants to make a move to his comfortable bed. So yeah. I went offline 10 minutes later. Now,i'm seriously dying cause i can't go facebook :0 Omg,i don't know why. Someone save me pls. I can die right now. Rahim!!!!!!! That's his way of talking. His in love with the exclamation mark. Nicole get irritated too okay. Hahaha. But his still cute though. Okay,enough about Rahim.
Yesterday,Yanty told me about Erwinder and Rathi. I omg-ed. I mean seriously what is wrong with them? Why are they looking down on her. Wait,not only her putri alfira also. I mean they didn't do anything wrong. Hello,you were once a primary 6 la , so stop looking down on them. Yanty and Alfira, just ignore them okay? Let them say whatever they want to say. I love you minahs. ^^
Xoxo,rysha rein.

Semalam tidur 1+ pasal chat dengan rahim. Cute la si rahim tu. Dia ajak main checkers dengan tik tac toe. <33 Dia menang checkers. Saya menang tic tac toe. Saya draw kan dia abih dia cakap drawing saya cute. Alalala. Made my day :') Abih dia nak webcam dengan saya tapi webcam dia rosak. Nasib baik. ^^ abih dia bilang yang dia tak pakai baju. Mak oi. Panazzzzzzzzzz. rahim,you cute. ^^
Hahahaha. I look so damn retarded talking with ' saya saya ' So like,yesterday yanty chatted with me. I showed her my drawing than she liked it. ^^ Then she post merepek merepek at her blog. But still cute. Ily <3 Meet up soon,i miss you lah perempuan. Kita skate sama sama okay. :))))
I went facebook and went to the social interview thing. Then got this question about rahim. Wait,got two. One of them was ' do you have a crush on abdul rahim? And second was ' would you be sad if abdul rahim doesnt talk to you'. And all i did was press the skip button. ^^ hahaha. I'm pretty sure he knows the answer so tak perlu lah nak post kat facebook dia abih nanti satu dunia boleh tahu.
I havent bathe you know. Busukkkkk. So now,bye bye.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Went Petal Garden yesterday. I reached there around 4+ and Nadhira and Alfira went home already. I bumped into Nadia. Lucky me. ^^ So yeah. Iraa Syadovey sorry cause i didn't attend your party yesterday. It was raining also. I will make it up to you,i promise. Ily. Meet up soon k. I miss you and Annaqah. <33
So like,i miss camp. I miss Haikal. I miss staring at his oh so adorable hot hot heat face.
I guess that's it. Will blog again tomorrow or the next day. Chao.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she’s blind.
She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He’s always there for her.
She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she can see everything, including her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?”
The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend is blind too, andrefused to marry him.
Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying.
“Just take care of my eyes dear.”

I cried when i read this. )))))))))))))))))': I want to kill this girl,omg.